.. sprut documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jun 27 19:28:17 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 **sprut**'s documentation ========================= **sprut** is a simple python-module for brute-force attacks, that can be used in your scripts. **sprut** supports ssh, http-post services. Other popular services and command-line interface will soon be implemented. Features ^^^^^^^^ * Multithreading * Load balancing * Modular design Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Python3 * paramiko, requests packages Quick start ^^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Create :py:class:`.BruteForce` object: >>> b = sprut.BruteForce() 2. Initialization tasks for attack: >>> b.init_tasks(...) 3. Run attack! >>> b.run(...) *Usage examples:* SSH login-password attack: >>> b = sprut.BruteForce() >>> b.init_tasks(target = ['localhost'], ... login = ['admin','user'], ... password = sprut.get_lines_from_file('/home/file_with_passes')) >>> success = b.run(sprut.Ssh, out_file='/home/success') HTTP-POST attack with proxy: >>> b = sprut.BruteForce() >>> b.set_proxy('http','', 8080) >>> b.init_tasks(target=['http://example.com/login'], ... login=sprut.get_lines_from_file('/home/file_with_logins'), ... password=['pass','1234'], ... some_key=['111111','222222'], ... body=['user=^login^&pass=^password^&user_key=^some_key^'], ... fail_msg=['fail']) >>> success = b.run(sprut.HttpPost, out_file='/home/success') To implement your own service read doc of :py:meth:`.Service.__call__`. Basic classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. automodule:: sprut :members: BruteForce, Ssh, HttpPost, Service, Attempt, SprutException, AuthError, ConnError